
いつも藤井 風を応援いただき誠にありがとうございます。

最近、「藤井 風」の名前を悪用した悪質な行為の報告が複数件確認されております。




・Instagram→本人アカウントのみ ( https://www.instagram.com/fujiikaze/ )
・TikTok→本人アカウントのみ( https://www.tiktok.com/@fujiikaze1997 )
・X(旧:Twitter)→スタッフアカウントのみ( https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff )
・YouTube→公式チャンネルのみ( https://www.youtube.com/@FujiiKaze )
・Facebook→公式ページのみ( https://www.facebook.com/FujiiKazeofficial/ )
・Weibo→公式アカウントのみ( https://m.weibo.cn/u/7742488183?jumpfrom=weiboco )
・bilibili→公式チャンネルのみ( https://space.bilibili.com/3494373476010253 )


昨今、通販サイトやオークションサイト、フリマサイトにおいて藤井 風の名前や肖像を模した物品や、直接でなくとも藤井 風を想起させるような物品のほか、HEHN RECORDSおよびFujii Kaze Official Storeの名称・ロゴなどを模した物品が出品・販売されている事案が数多く確認されております。

藤井 風の公式グッズは現時点では原則としてFujii Kaze Official Store
< https://fujiikaze.store.hehnrecords.com/ >(以下、当ストア)でのみ販売しております。
※商品によってはUNIVERSAL MUSIC STOREでも販売しております。

個人・法人の別、金額の大小に関わらず、藤井 風の肖像(名前、画像、イラスト、筆跡など)や藤井 風を想起させる事象を使用した物品の制作、これらを藤井 風と紐づけて出品・販売したりする行為は、肖像権やパブリシティ権の侵害となります(販売を一切行わず、個人的に楽しむ場合にはこの限りではありません)。
また、藤井 風やHEHN RECORDSおよび当ストアの名称を無断で使用して上記物品を出品・販売する行為は、商標権の侵害および不正競争防止法上の犯罪行為に該当し、刑事責任を問われる恐れもあります。

以下は、通販サイトやオークションサイト、フリマサイトにおいて出品・販売されている、藤井 風の名前や肖像を模した物品、藤井 風を想起させる物品の一例です。

・ジャケット写真、ツアーキービジュアル、アーティスト写真およびSNSで投稿されたそのほかの藤井 風の肖像を無断使用したポスター・グッズなど
・HEHN RECORDSの名前、ロゴを無断使用したポスター・グッズなど
・風という文字や歌詞などを使用し、藤井 風を想起させるような物品

Fujii Kaze Official Storeと会場での販売以外の、オンライン上に出品・販売されている物品について取引された場合、届いた物品が偽物やコピー品であったり、物品が届かない、個人情報を抜き取られるなどのトラブルに巻き込まれる恐れがございます。
物品のパッケージやタグに記載された製造元がHEHN RECORDSおよび当ストアと表示されている場合であっても、当ストアと会場以外で購入された物品に関するトラブルには一切の責任を負いません。

不審なサイトや、偽物やコピー品を見かけた際は、当ストアのお問い合わせフォーム https://form.run/@fujiikazeofficialstore よりご連絡をお願いいたします。
HEHN RECORDSおよび当ストアは、こうした違法に出品・販売されている物品を発見した場合、出品者に対し、出品・販売の停止を求めることはもちろん、法的措置も踏まえた強い措置を講じ、正当に公式グッズをご購入された皆様を守れるように努めてまいります。

今後とも、藤井 風を応援してくださっている皆様がより楽しんでいただける場を提供できるよう

Notice of Alert

Thank you for your continued support of Fujii Kaze.

Recently, we have received several reports of malicious activities using the name “Fujii Kaze”.

We would like to once again issue a warning to all of you who support us to avoid becoming victims of such acts.

<About SNS accounts>

Through messaging applications and DM (direct message) and comment sections of social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and X (formerly Twitter), cases have been reported of personal contact with people who deceptively claim to be “the artist” or “a manager, staff member, or related person”. In addition, we have confirmed several cases of trouble caused by “spoofed accounts” such as requesting personal information, directing users to specific sites or applications to pay for them, encouraging the purchase of gift certificates or prepaid cards, or proposing financial transactions. In the end, some users have even had their own accounts hijacked.

Malicious activities claiming to be live-streaming or selling merchandises have also been confirmed.

Neither the artist nor any manager, staff member, or related person will contact fans directly to ask for money or personal information.

Please do not reply to any contact from anyone claiming to be the artist, including but not limited to the above examples, as it may be a malicious scam or other form of fraud.

※If a URL is included in the body of the message, please do not access it.

Please note that we do not maintain any accounts other than those listed on our official website and apps. Please note that accounts other than those listed below are not authorized by our company.

※We do not have an official account on LINE.

Instagram→Only artist account ( https://www.instagram.com/fujiikaze/ )

TikTok→Only artist account ( https://www.tiktok.com/@fujiikaze1997 )

X (former Twitter) → Only staff account ( https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff )

YouTube→Only official channel ( https://www.youtube.com/@FujiiKaze )

Facebook→Only official page ( https://www.facebook.com/FujiiKazeofficial/ )

Weibo→Only official account ( https://m.weibo.cn/u/7742488183?jumpfrom=weiboco )

bilibili→Only official channel ( https://space.bilibili.com/3494373476010253 )

※Authentication marks or official artist marks are attached to all accounts except X (formerly Twitter).

If you have been a victim of malicious fraud or suspect, please consult or report it to the police as soon as possible.

At this time, it is effective to submit evidence such as screenshots.

If you are a victim of a “spoofed account,” we will not be held responsible. Please be aware of this in advance and take your own precautions to protect yourself.

<About Official Merchandise>

Recently, there have been a number of cases of items being sold on mail order sites, auction sites, and flea market sites that imitate the name or likeness of Fujii Kaze or that remind people of Fujii Kaze, even if not directly, as well as the names and logos of HEHN RECORDS and Fujii Kaze Official Store. There have been many confirmed cases of items being displayed and sold that imitate the names and logos of HEHN RECORDS and Fujii Kaze Official Store.

As a rule, official Kaze Fujii merchandise is currently only available at Fujii Kaze Official Store

< https://fujiikaze.store.hehnrecords.com/>

※The merchandises are also sold at each venue during live concerts and tours.
※Some items are also available at the UNIVERSAL MUSIC STORE.

Regardless of whether you are an individual or a corporation, or regardless of the amount of money involved, the creation of items using Fujii Kaze’s likeness (name, image, illustration, handwriting, etc.) or any other event that reminds you of Fujii Kaze or the exhibition or sale of such items in connection with Fujii Kaze, is a violation of portrait rights and publicity rights (this does not apply if you do not sell any items and enjoy them for personal use).

In addition, any unauthorized use of the names of Fujii Kaze, HEHN RECORDS, or this store to display or sell the above items constitutes a violation of trademark rights and a criminal act under the Unfair Competition Prevention Law, and may result in criminal liability.

The following are examples of items that are sold on mail-order sites, auction sites, and flea market sites that resemble Fujii Kaze’s name or likeness, or that remind you of Kaze Fujii.。

・Cover art, tour key visuals, artist photos, and other posters and goods using Fujii Kaze’s image on SNS without permission.

・Posters, goods, etc. using the name or logo of HEHN RECORDS without permission

・Articles that remind people of Fujii Kaze by using the word Kaze or lyrics.
※There have been cases where such items have been described as “not for sale” to encourage people to purchase them.

If you deal with items that are not sold at Fujii Kaze Official Store or at the venue, but are displayed or sold online, you may be involved in problems such as receiving counterfeit or copied items, not receiving the items, or having your personal information extracted.

We are not responsible for any problems related to items purchased outside of our store and the venue, even if the package or tag of the item shows HEHN RECORDS or our store as the manufacturer.
In light of the above concerns, please do not purchase any items other than official merchandise.

If you see any suspicious websites or fake or copied goods, please contact us through our store’s contact form https://form.run/@fujiikazeofficialstore

In the event that HEHN RECORDS and our store discover such items being illegally displayed or sold, we will take strong measures, including legal action, as well as demanding that the seller stop displaying or selling the items, in order to protect those who have legitimately purchased official merchandise.

We will continue to do our best to provide a place where all of you who support Fujii Kaze can enjoy our products and services.












・Instagram→只有本人賬號 ( https://www.instagram.com/fujiikaze/ )
・TikTok→只有本人賬號( https://www.tiktok.com/@fujiikaze1997 )
・X(原Twitter)→只有 staff 賬號( https://twitter.com/fujiikazestaff )
・YouTube→只有官方賬號( https://www.youtube.com/@FujiiKaze )
・Facebook→¥只有官方主頁 ( https://www.facebook.com/FujiiKazeofficial/ )
・Weibo→只有官方賬號( https://m.weibo.cn/u/7742488183?jumpfrom=weiboco )
・bilibili→¥只有官方頻道( https://space.bilibili.com/3494373476010253 )



同時建議您相關提交截圖等作為證據。 因“冒名頂替賬戶”而受到損害時,本公司概不負責。 請您再次諒解,同時注意保護自己。


最近,在線上購物網站、拍賣網站、跳蚤市場等網站上,擅自使用藤井風的名字和肖像的商品,以及非直接但是讓人聯想到藤井風的商品,我們也收到確認了很多起擅自使用HEHN RECORDS和Fujii Kaze Official Store 名稱和標誌進行買賣出售的案例。

藤井風的官方商品原則上是只由Fujii Kaze Official Store
https://fujiikaze.store.hehnrecords.com/ > (以下簡稱本商店)銷售。




另外,擅自使用藤井風和HEHN RECORDS以及本商店的名稱出品、銷售上述物品的行為,屬於侵犯商標權以及防止不正當競爭法上的犯罪行為,可能會被追究刑事責任。



・擅自使用HEHN RECORDS的名稱、商標的海報、商品等



Fujii Kaze Official Store和在會場的販售以外,在進行網上的出品販賣的物品進行交易時,有可能會被卷入收到的物品是假貨或仿品,物品無法送達,被非法獲取個人信息等能等糾紛中。 即使包裝和標籤上記載的製造商顯示為HEHN RECORDS或本商店,在本商店和會場以外購買的物品的糾紛概不負責。



HEHN RECORDS及本店,一旦發現此類非法出品、銷售的物品時,將會對出品者,要求停止出品、銷售,並根據法律要求採取相應措施,保護從正當途徑購買官方商品的用戶。
